Blouse: H&M | Shorts: Quiksilver | Bag: Miu Miu | Sandals: DKNY |
Necklace + Bracelets: Alimonada | Shades: Ray Bans
photos by: rosie reyes
Did a little shopping a few days ago at the Americana (my fave place!) and
picked up a few key items I needed for my summer essentials...
on the list were:
1. new sunglasses
2. pink lipstick
3. flowy dress
4. silk blouses and cut off shorts
5. sandals
what is on your summer shopping list?
ps. - After reading your guys' thoughts on joining the gym... I think I'm going
to hold off on that for a bit
and keep bike riding and doing Zumba! There's a new
and keep bike riding and doing Zumba! There's a new
zumba instructor at my local place and heard she's amazing so I'm excited to try her
out next week! thank you guys!
