Plaid shirt: Uniqlo | Tank: Rory Beca | Skirt: Thrifted | Sandals: Zara (cute ones here + heels here) | Bag: Vintage Gucci | Shades: Karen Walker | Watch: Diesel
photos by: Rosie Reyes
I'm sure you can tell by now I have an obsession with mixing prints and leopard...
it's just something I can't stay away from. These sandals add the perfect
touch of leopard to almost anything- they're new at Zara (picked them up this week)..
Weekend is here! So excited for it!
Celebrating my niece's birthday tomorrow- she turned 1! So cute!
My sister did an amazing job with all her DIY decorations for the party; you'll
love 'em...
I swear, my sisters + brother constantly inspire me.
Hopefully I can post some photos of her DIY decorations that she made so you
guys can get cool ideas <3
Also, leaving for Pittsburgh tomorrow night after the party for work!
Fun weekend ahead.. and it starts right now..
so happy weekend!
